A Technology Solutions Kitchen
Blending the perfect balance of design, user experience, science, and innovation to solve business challenges.
Who We Are
Engineers. Experience Designers. Technology Chefs.
We craft technology solutions like an Italian grandmother crafts her pesto — with passion, care, and the finest of ingredients. Admittedly, Nonna’s pesto tastes much better than anything we create, but our products are guaranteed fresh and made to withstand the test of time.

How We Work
When Nonna cooks, she makes sure to know the recipe and ingredients. She organizes and preps the kitchen; salts the water; never crowds the pan; inspects and adapts every step of the way; cleans as she goes; and always delivers a culinary masterpiece.
Crafting technology isn’t much different. We research and discover; gather content; plan and design; verify and demonstrate; deploy and evaluate; implement and maintain. Our result is your masterpiece.
From discovery to market disruption, we utilize agile principles—constantly inspecting and adapting—to ensure audience engagement.
Technology Consulting for Industry 4.0:
Optimizing Operations + Fueling Growth
We are a full-service technology consultancy focused on Industry 4.0, partnering with businesses of all sizes—from manufacturers to non-profits—to unlock the full potential of modern technology.
Our Discovery-driven approach ensures we understand your specific needs and challenges before implementing solutions. By combining strategic insights with cutting-edge technologies, we deliver intuitive, scalable solutions that drive transformation and growth.
Menu of Services:
- Software Engineering
- Cloud Solutions
- Digital Transformation Strategy
- DevOps
- Data Engineering
- AI & Machine Learning
- Business Intelligence
- ERP Migration
- Product Development
- Hardware Design & IoT

Jesse, Chief Disrupter
The Pesto Group
714 Howard Street
Petoskey, MI 49770
Additional Office Locations
St. Louis, MO
Grand Rapids, MI